Please ask your children to be respectful to others, and themselves, should they not be named to a team, or to a team of their preference. Please remember that while rosters will be released at that time, they are not final until February. Prior to that players may be moved between the Rep teams. We ask all players to keep up the hard work.
If your child is not currently listed on a team roster, be assured that we are working to get all players that indicated an interest in playing rep on a team. And we will update you as soon as possible.
When you review the rosters and you see anything marked as TBD we are looking to fill that position. If you are interested please let us know. Until we have Team Manager in place for a team, we are unable to collect rep fees, and games and practices can't start.
Should there be any discrepancies with teams, please email as soon as possible so it can be looked into.
Reminders of what you and your child agreed to:
I have agreed to submitting my child to the evaluation process defined by the executive for the purposes of selecting various rep teams. I accept the process being utilized and therefore will accept and comply with the ultimate placements even though they may be different than my expectations. (I understand that should my female child not be selected for an A team in their preferred division they will not have the opportunity to change their preferred division after the selection process is complete). I understand that should my child step down from the team they are placed on, they are then ineligible to be placed on a team in any division. I have read and agree to adhere to the parent’s code of conduct for the best overall experience for the players, and all members of the SMHA. Should my child be named to a Rep Team Roster, I agree to pay a $200 Rep Team fee immediately, unless I make other arrangements with the SMHA Executive, and understand that there will be no Rep Team travel for my child’s team, until all individual player Rep Team fees are paid. I understand that this fee is required to be paid for my child to remain on the team roster. I also understand that this fee will be used to pay for Provincial Tournament registration fees and for some rep ice allocated by the SMHA Executive. Any additional ice time will be at an additional cost, that I will be responsible for paying.
I promise to give my best efforts during the rep team selection process and accept the possibility that my placement might be different than my expectations. I also accept that there are many variables to consider before a final placement is made and it is the responsibility of the selection committee to make the best overall decision with respect to the association and to me as a player. It is my responsibility to accept my placement and work hard to make my rep team experience as rewarding as possible, for myself, my team, and my coaches. I will adhere to the player’s code of conduct and be the best ambassador of the SMHA I can be. I understand that should I not adhere to the player’s code of conduct, and not show goodwill and respect to all players and coaches, that I may be removed from a Rep Team. I’ll look forward to all the challenges and rewards of the upcoming season.
Click here for Female U11A, Minor U11A, Minor U11B & Minor U13A
Click here for Female U15A, Minor U15A, Female U18A, Minor U18A & Minor U18B